$31k in 31 Days - Joubert Syndrome & Related Disorders Foundation
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October is here and as we head into fall, we are also heading into our first Joubert Syndrome Awareness month. For the first time this year, the JSRDF will be launching the $31k in 31 Days Fundraiser to raise awareness and funds for the Joubert Syndrome community. Our goal is to raise $31,000 in the 31 days of the month of October to bring awareness and funds to the JSRDF for continued family support resources and for building new programs benefiting the families affected by Joubert Syndrome worldwide. Together we can make a difference!

Join us in bringing awareness to our rare community by participating in $31k in 31 Days and Joubert Syndrome Awareness Month. The easiest way to participate is to simply share the $31k in 31 Days page throughout your network during the month of October and ask people to contribute in honor of a loved one with Joubert Syndrome. If you plan to host a fundraising event in your area, our new Awareness Toolkits are a great resource for educating your attendees and potential donors. They can be purchased at a small fee in the JSRDF store.

For more information on the $31k in 31 Days Fundraiser or any questions on fundraising opportunities, tips or ideas, please reach out the JSRDF Fundraising Committee Co-Chairs. We can help to provide you with potential donor ideas, ideas for how to raise $250 in 7 days, fundraising ideas and more!

Meghann Rutledge – mrutledge@jsrdf.org
Jenny Grabruck – jgrabruck@jsrdf.org

Get your donations ready and head on over to the $31k in 31 Days Fundraiser page!

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