October is JS Awareness Month
Together we can make a difference!
During the month of October, we are asking for your help to spread awareness of Joubert Syndrome and raise funds to support the Joubert Syndrome & Related Disorders Foundation. The two main initiatives of this program are the $31k in 31 Days Fundraiser and the social media awareness campaign.

Our goal is to raise $31,000 in the 31 days of the month of October to bring awareness and funds to the JSRDF for continued family support resources and for building new programs benefiting the families affected by Joubert Syndrome worldwide. Together we can make a difference!
The easiest way to participate is to simply share the $31k in 31 Days page throughout your network during the month of October and ask people to contribute in honor of a loved one with Joubert Syndrome. If you plan to host a fundraising event in your area, you can purchase some great swag in our online shop.
For more information on the $31k in 31 Days Fundraiser, fundraising tips, or other questions, please reach out to Fundraising Committee Chair, Cassie Meiers – cmeiers@jsrdf.org.