Welcome to the JSRDF Blog! - Joubert Syndrome & Related Disorders Foundation
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Hello and welcome!

We are extremely excited to launch our new blog. Our overall goal for this space is to connect you, and our community, with any information that we think may be beneficial. There will be articles about what is going on with the Joubert Syndrome Foundation, new or existing published articles on JS, information on JS-LIFE, articles from special guest writers and much more. As we continue our blogging journey our content will evolve. We shall see where the road takes us!

We encourage you to give us your feedback and let us know what types of information interest you most. We are not medical professionals and we always encourage you to seek out advice and counsel from your own doctors and specialists. We hope that you will join us along the way.


By Yosef Travis Our daughter has this little game she likes to play. It’s actually a game her grandfather plays with all of his grandchildren, but…